Pitch for New Aspects –
Clare C. & Friends Fellowship
Winners announced for
2023 "Pitch for New Aspects — Clare C. & Friends Fellowship"
We would like to thank all the candidates for their wonderful works. As the Chairperson of the Jury Panel, Ms Joyce CHIOU said, everyone who came to the pitching session is the winner - all the ideas are invaluable and have great potential for infinite growth!
FACP 2023 Pitch for New Aspects – Clare C. & Friends Fellowship Winners Introduction

Note: the FACP Members' Choice Award was won by 3 groups in a tie, who share the prize of US$6,000, among which US$1,000 was donated by the Chair of Jury.
Congratulations to the award-winning teams. Your remarkable creations have truly amazed us. Each of your works is unique and captivating.
We are also paying our heartfelt gratitude to Clare C. & Friends Fellowship for their generous support and sponsorship, and all the teams that participated in this year's Pitch for New Aspects submissions.
We are grateful for this encounter, and we wish you all a fruitful creative journey until we meet again in the future.

Shortlist Announcement
2023 FACP Kaohsiung Conference
“Pitch for New Aspects — Clare C.& Friends Fellowship” Shortlist Announcement
We are delighted to have received 31 entries from Belgium, Canada, China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Norway, Philippines, the United Kingdom, the United States, and Taiwan. After the first adjudication process through proposal reviews and an online panel meeting, ten (10) entries have been shortlisted as finalists, and five (5) entries have been selected in the waiting list.
The finalists will present their ideas at the Pitch Presentation session on November 24, 19:00-21:30 (GMT+8) at the 2023 FACP Kaohsiung Conference. You are cordially invited to sign up for the conference and witness the birth of the up-and-coming creative ideas on “Next Stage, Green Generation—Sustainability in Culture and Performing Arts”.
Finalists for Pitch for New Aspects — Clare C. & Friends Fellowship
Title of Proposal | Artist / Group |
TNWO | AΦE (AE Company) |
Ice Age | Resident Island Dance Theatre |
Islands | Shimmering Production / WANG Yeu-Kwn |
Remnants | Beyond Dance Theater |
Birdy | Hung Dance |
Role Play | Lu Production |
Hell- Door -Breaking | Labora Terry Arts |
PIÑA | FakeKnot |
Whispers of Trees | Whispers of Trees |
Xiyu (meaning Joyous rain in English)/“Zai Yue Zhi Zhou” (meaning Joyous Ship in English) | Shaanxi Vocational Academy Of Art |
Waiting list for Pitch for New Aspects — Clare C. & Friends Fellowship
Title of Proposal | Artist / Group |
Seediq Culture and Aesthetic Theater Weaver Wowa Tminun/We are.... | Seediq's Traditional Culture and Arts Troupe / Teymu Ukah |
The Enchanted Forest | Dr. Esther Shin Chuang |
One Two Three | Pointrio |
Sàng Tsáu | Hsu Chen Wei Dance Company |
Shortlisting Jury Panel
Mr. Austin Wang, Ms. Jill Glorife Soberano-Samodio, Mr. John Bickley, Ms. Joyce Chiou, Mr. Jung Sun-Goo, Mr. Paul Tam, Mr. Raymond Wong, Mr. William Barkhymer
2023 FACP Kaohsiung Conference
Pitch for New Aspects — Clare C.& Friends Fellowship
Federation for Asian Cultural Promotion (FACP) offers an exciting opportunity for young artists (aged below 35), young entrepreneurs / curators / producers (aged below 40) and artist groups to share creative ideas on potential partnerships with FACP and its members through the development and presentation of new works.
1st USD 10,000 x 1
2nd USD 8,000 x 1
3rd USD 4,000 x 2
- An opportunity for networking with colleagues in the industry and mentor consulting and advice
- All of the shortlisted groups will receive 1 free Full Pass to the conference and one individual or organizational membership of the FACP for a year.
- The winners are required to acknowledge the supports of FACP as
2023 FACP—Clare C. & Friends Fellowship in future promotion materials and programs on the wining works.
Open Call
Federation for Asian Cultural Promotion (FACP) offers an exciting opportunity for young artists (aged below 35), young entrepreneurs / curators / producers (aged below 40) and artist groups to share creative ideas on potential partnerships with FACP and its members through the development and presentation of new works.
1st USD 10,000 x 1
2nd USD 8,000 x 1
3rd USD 4,000 x 2
- An opportunity for networking with colleagues in the industry and mentor consulting and advice
- All of the shortlisted groups will receive 1 free Full Pass to the conference and one individual or organizational membership of the FACP for a year.
- The winners are required to acknowledge the supports of FACP as
2023 FACP—Clare C. & Friends Fellowship in future promotion materials and programs on the wining works.
Creations should arise from the origin and tradition of Asian Cultural and meet with the following focal points:
Sustainability in production
Leaner, cleaner, and greener environment
Unlocking the human value
New aspects of arts form
Seeking partners or presenters to invest for a touring project which will be completed or already premiered within 36 months’ time. -
Seeking support to grow a new commission.
Presentation (6 mins) & Q&A (3-5 mins), with 16:9 slides in PDF or PPT format, should encompass the following details:
Concept & Scale
Artists / Creatives involved
Timeframe for the production (premiere, tour etc.)
Specifics about what the presenter is seeking e.g., funds, presenting venues, collaborators.
Video of the performance (1-2 mins, optional)
Note: The presentation will be held in the Lecture Hall of Weiwuying, equipped with laptop, projector, projection screen and 2 hand held microphones.
All application should submit online. Application Link: https://forms.gle/ZCknhYBg4DNjErRU8
Proposal in English (10 pages, 10 MB max, file name: Pitch2023FACP_Title) including the following items:
Concept & Scale
Outline & featured ideas
Artist / group profile
Artist / group photos in high resolution (3-5 images, 10 MB max)
Video recording of the performance submitted via Shared link (optional).
July 20 – September 6 : Submit the application through the online form
September 6 – September 30 : Shortlisting by the Juries
Before September 30 : Announce the shortlist, send the invitation
October 1 – October 30 : Pre-tour meeting
November 24 : Pitch Presentation
November 26 : Award Ceremony
The Deadline was due on: 12:00 noon, September 6, 2023 (Taiwan time, GMT +8)
Should you have any questions, please contact showcase.facp@gmail.com.