2023 FACP Kaohsiung Conference
Next Stage, Green Generation—Sustainability in Culture and Performing Arts

We are delighted to announce the 2023 Annual Conference of the Federation for Asian Cultural Promotion (FACP) jointly hosted by the FACP and National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts (Weiwuying). You are invited to become a member and join us to meet fellow colleagues from all over the world in Kaohsiung, Taiwan from November 23 to 26, 2023.
The theme of the 2023 Conference will be set as sustainability with the title of Next Stage, Green Generation—Sustainability in Culture and Performing Arts in response to the critical economic and environmental conditions in the post-pandemic era faced by the sector. It will be the first gathering event of FACP in the post-Pandemic era, it will be a great opportunity for all of us to gather and exchange ideas on arts and cultures.
There will be symposiums, opportunities for networking, site visits, and performances during the conference. There are two opportunities for nurturing ideas at the conference: Pitch for New Aspects sponsored by Clare CHEN Fellowship calls for emerging artists; the iconic Asian Gems in the Arts invites governors to nominate artists to perform.
More information and the registration form will be released on August 1.
Conference date: November 23-26, 2023 (Thu-Sun)
Host: National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts (Weiwuying), Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Theme: Next Stage, Green Generation—Sustainability in Culture and Performing Arts
November 23. (Thu): Registration, venue-tour, conference, welcoming
November 24. (Fri) Symposium (in conjunction with NTUA), Pitch for New Aspects
November 25. (Sat) Symposium, Asian Gems in the Arts (AGA) performance
November 26. (Sun) Annual General Meeting, EXCO Meeting
- August 1, registration opens
- September 30, the deadline for the early bird rate
- October 30, the deadline for accommodation discount rate reservation
- November 20, the deadline for registering for the conference
CALL FOR PERFORMANCE: Pitch for New Aspects Clare CHEN Fellowship
- Looking for ideas from young artists. Application to be released on July 20.
Deadline: 12:00 noon, August 30, 2023

Host: Federation for Asian Cultural Promotion, National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts (Weiwuying)
Partners: Taipei National University of the Arts, National Sun Yat-sen University, National Taichung Theater
Sponsor: Clare CHEN Foundation